“I must say that seeing things first is not an advantage, because one often has to suffer and is not understood. My ideas often provoked scandal, and then became fashionable later on...” says leader and founder of Nomadic Piano Project Antoni O´Breskey for our online magazine.
You started...
Ak vaša rodina patrí medzi tie, ktoré s obľubou trávia víkendové popoludnia v kinách, práve teraz v nich nájdete spracovanie známeho príbehu v netradičnej forme! Na filmové plátna priplával legendárny staviteľ menom Noe, ktorý na svojej arche zozbieral všetky druhy suchozemských zverov sveta, aby ich zachránil pred potopou. Na palubu sa...
Česko-slovenská komédia práve beží v našich kinách. Česká herečka Jana Plodková, predstaviteľka hlavnej postavy Kláry, v rozhovore porozprávala o filme aj zážitkoch z nakrúcania.
Čo sa vám páčilo na scenári a čím vás zaujal natoľko, že ste prijali úlohu vo filme?S Jitkou som už spolupracovala viackrát a mám z toho...
“If I have to say the truth, this would be a dream of every conductor. I rehearsed with them, I presented the way I wanted the music and at one point they did it without me. They reacted, they learnt it. They learnt how to listen to...
Harvey Weinstein bol jedným z najväčších hollywoodskych producentov všetkých čias. Až kým si ho nevšimli dve novinárky New York Times, ktoré svetu predložili zločiny jeho sexuálneho násilia. Kým však našli dôkazy a obete ochotné svedčiť, bola to dlhá cesta. A práve tú cestu mapuje dráma Keď prehovorila,...
“In each area of France, almost each city or village, there is an organ sometimes historical organ. The people are very proud of their organ even they don’t go to the church for religious reasons,” says François Espinasse for our web page.
You will be a guest of...
“Without art, as well as without many other human achievements —too long and complex subject to sort out in two lines, the human species would be reduced just to its negative side,” says the world-famous tenor, who will perform at the Symphony of Arts festival in Bratislava,...
The popularity of internet home business opportunities like buying cheap term paper has increased tremendously in the past several decades. Even though the concept might appear rewarding, there are lots of scam artists from the industry waiting to rob you blind. Don't let yourself become a victim by falling...
“It is a story about love, deep friendship, pain, jealousy, betrayal, acceptance and remorse. And the lead happens to portray a transwoman,“ says La Traviata director Dorike van Genderen, an opera production in the Dutch Nederlandse Reisopera, in which the Slovak baritone Aleš Jenis also performs.
The story...
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